Saturday, February 18, 2017

Match???? eeeekkkkk!!

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  • Y OK so some of this stuff is recycled content from both this blog and Classmates site- also please know that I joined Match as a goof and I'm not paying the ridiculous monthly fee.......although I understand a lot of people have that kind of money to throw at the problem of seeking lifetime relations with a man- men who generally, after getting to "know" them revert back to being themselves, by fouling the bedroom air, picking their ear wax, increasing your budget for air- deodorizing and cleaning products and causing electronic havoc by visiting porn sites without the proper virus software protection

My detailseditY

Have kids:
Yes, and they live away from home (2)
Want kids:
No, but it's OK if my partner has kids
Body type:
Athletic and toned
6′ 0″
Spiritual but not religious
No Way

In my own wordseditY

 I've trained my monkey to change the TV stations thereby saving on the need to replace the remote batteries, with this savings I buy my monkey alcohol and smokes which seems to keep him focused when we watch MST2000 or Buckaroo Banzai movie reruns and keeps him from starting fights with the ducks
BTW the ducks in the bathtub are not mine and have given me multiple assurances that they will be flying south next winter

When I was about eight I desperately wanted to be Tom Selleck from Magnum PI. I painted my Hero banana seat beach cruiser bright red and constructed a mustache by clipping a large amount of hair from the neighbor's cat and gluing it to my upper lip. This is how I discovered my allergy to cat hair." I also wanted to be frozen and thawed out in the 25th century due to Wilma Deering's jumpsuit but despite emptying the refrigerator and sitting in it for over an hour, the only result was mild hypothermia and a belting.

Like a marmot getting braces to fix an over-bite, sometimes the solutions to life are simple.
A prodigious dude once pointed out the greatness of the people of Fort Wayne, Indiana for electing Harry Baals as their Mayor and suggested that they collectively be given the jejune comedic star award given out in secret after the annual "elephant walk" performed before the ritual rhubarb pie eating contest by the fraternal Delta PieR-pt.-3.14 students at Texas A&M.

When you have to remind people it is not ok to blow dry their otters, or that hooking up a dachshund to a rickshaw might make you stand out in an Asian crowd, but that economically not a valid endeavor, then you'll know that your decision to join an online dating site isn't as otiose, or infelicitous of an action as one might have first thought. 

My interestseditY

Book club, Music and concerts, Exploring new areas, Nightclubs/Dancing, Playing sports, Watching sports, Wine tasting



Sports & exerciseeditY

I exercise 3-4 times per week

Aerobics, Baseball, Basketball, Cycling, Football, Running, Weights / Machines, Hockey


I like cats, dogs, and other.
animal/human interaction question:
who first thought, after seeing an egg drop out of a chickens tuckus, it'd be a good thing to eat?

Political viewseditY

Some other viewpoint



Favorite hot spotseditY

 writing short stories on my google blog " shmendric eating rhubarb pie" under my pen name Eddie Haskil  ok so its a cyber hot spot? what do you want? wicker? my last story was titled my private Idaho go see it and give me a thumbs up,  if you like it 


Favorite thingseditY

 I just wanted to say it is a reoccurring activity of mine to dress up as a plant and go to the park to scare people on jogs/walks. there is nothing wrong with me its just how I deal with stress and feel better about my existence. 

For funeditY

 writing acrostic poetry, baking elderberry pies and sneaking out at night and cutting my neighbors shrubbery in priapic shapes 

Last readeditY

 Less Than Zero 


My Date…

Height:   Y

6′ 0″

3′ 0″ to 5′ 9″

Body type:   Y

Athletic and toned

Slender, Athletic and toned

Eyes:   Y


No Preference

Hair:   Y

Dark brown

No Preference


My Date…

Smoke:   Y

No Way

No Way, Occasionally, Yes, but trying to quit

Drink:   Y


Social Drinker, Moderately

Occupation:   Y

No answer

No Preference

 Gerbil milker 

Income:   Y

I use the barter system

$35,001 to $50,000, $50,001 to $75,000, $75,001 to $100,000,$100,001 to $150,000,$150,001+ a million?

Relationship:   Y


No Preference

Have kids:   Y

Yes, and they live away from home (2)
No Preference

Want kids:   Y

No, but it's OK if my partner has kids

No Preference


My Date…

Ethnicity:   Y


Wiling and with a vagina

 My mother had an alien impregnation, first by submitting to a normal PPA that the alien creatures known to come from places far past Uranus are especially fond of performing, and after squealing in pleasure upon the alien bulbus insertion, I was born 

Faith:   Y

Spiritual but not religious

 my faith revolves around knowing that humanity, when faced with an important challenge,  can come up with very creative solutions- for instant, someone figured out that your lower intestinal track has enough heat to hard boil an egg. 

Languages:   Y



Education:   Y

Associates degree

No Preference